Even before your product design is complete—even if it’s still in the concept stage—conversations between your product developers and our team of engineers can be extremely productive, resulting in a more robust and manufacturable product.

Have a new product?

Developing and documenting manufacturing processes requires engineering expertise. We offer transition to manufacturing services to ensure a successful transition of your design into full-scale manufacturing.

Looking to scale?

Fluctuations in demand, supply chain, market conditions, throughput, or simply the passage of time, provide opportunities to review product manufacturing processes. We can use co-builds to re-evaluate, build efficiency to reduce costs and delivery times.

Building multiple configurations

Products that are built to order with multiple configurations require specialized expertise. Our engineers develop a system for all products with multiple SKUs. We use these systems from manufacturing to shipping to ensure your end-user receives the correct product configuration.

Quality engineering

Quality management is the key to all of our processes. Our quality engineers use statistical process control data to monitor, control and improve processes. CMK Age+ provides assembly documentation at the point of use. Testing is a critical process step to providing the quality required by the products that we build. Our test engineers make sure appropriate test procedures are developed, applied, and the results tracked and evaluated. Our integrated IT and philosophy of business transparency mean process and test data can readily be shared with our customers if they desire.